December 2020

December 31

Title: Division Memorandum No. 379, s. 2020
Description: Registration for the Help Educators Rise to Online Education for SY 2020-2021 (HEROES 2021) Program
Link: Here

Title: Division Memorandum No. 377, s. 2020
Description: Urgent Call for Registration of Enlisted Teachers and School Leaders for NEAP-Recognized Professional Development Programs and Courses
Link: Here

Title: Division Memorandum No. 376, s. 2020
Description: Division Seminar-Workshop on the Preparation of CY 2020 Year-end Financial Reports
Link: Here

Title: Division Memorandum No. 375, s. 2020
Description: Schedule of Turnover Activities of the Outgoing and Incoming PSDSs in Different Municipalities
Link: Here

Title: Division Memorandum No. 374, s. 2020
Description: Call for Application for the Position of Senior High School Teacher II
Link: Here

Title: Division Memorandum No. 372, s. 2020
Description: Call for Application for the Position of Elementary School Principal I
Link: Here

Title: Division Memorandum No. 371, s. 2020
Description: Data on Improvement of Learning Outcomes Relative to the Finalization of Validation for School-based Management level of Practice School Year 2019-2020
Link: Here

Title: Division Memorandum No. 370, s. 2020
Description: Termination of the Use of Workplace Group DepEdCavite M&E
Link: Here

Title: Division Memorandum No. 369, s. 2020
Description: 2020 SDO Year-end Merry Merit Awards
Link: Here

Title: Division Memorandum No. 368, s. 2020
Description: Changes in the Division Research Management Guidelines
Link: Here

Title: Division Memorandum No. 367, s. 2020
Description: Campus Journalism Program Performance Review and Division Schools Press Conference 2021 Planning Meeting
Link: Here

Title: Division Memorandum No. 366, s. 2020
Description: Conduct of Division Training for Learning Resource Language Editors and Illustrators
Link: Here

Title: Division Memorandum No. 365, s. 2020
Description: Continuous Toothbrushing Habit Program of Learners During the Pandemic 2020
Link: Here

Title: Division Memorandum No. 364, s. 2020
Description: Corrigendum to Division Memorandum No. 268 s. 2020 titled Conduct of Division Training and Webinars in all Learning Areas
Link: Here

Title: Division Memorandum No. 363, s. 2020
Description: Corrigendum to Division Memorandum No. 268 s. 2020 titled Conduct of Division Training and Webinars in all Learning Areas
Link: Here

Title: Division Memorandum No. 362, s. 2020
Description: Creation of DepEd Cavite Province Gulayan sa Paaralan Program (GPP) Facebook Page
Link: Here

Title: Division Memorandum No. 361, s. 2020
Description: Annual Operation Planning for CY 2021
Link: Here

Title: Division Memorandum No. 360, s. 2020
Description: OSDS Year-end Performance Review
Link: Here

Title: Division Memorandum No. 359, s. 2020
Description: Call for Application of Administrative Assistant III
Link: Here

Title: Division Memorandum No. 358, s. 2020
Description: Conduct of COVID-19 Swab Testing Among DepEd Personnel
Link: Here

Title: Division Memorandum No. 357, s. 2020
Description: Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 345, s. 2020 titled “2020 Division Stakeholders Summit in the New Normal”
Link: Here

Title: Division Memorandum No. 356, s. 2020
Description: Addendum on Notice of Meeting No. 147 s. 2020, titled “Dry Run of the 5th BERF Proposal Presentation”
Link: Here

Title: Division Memorandum No. 355, s. 2020
Description: Profiling of DepEd Makakalikasan Programs School Coordinators
Link: Here

Title: Division Memorandum No. 354, s. 2020
Description: Division Joint Delivery Voucher Program Online Orientation for Senior High School Technical Vocational Livelihood Specializations (JDVP-SHS TVL) for School Year 2020-2021
Link: Here

Title: Notice of Meeting No. 151, s. 2020
Description: Medical Unit Monthly Meeting
Link: Here

Title: Notice of Meeting No. 150, s. 2020
Description: Special Meeting and Activity Review in Science
Link: Here

Title: Notice of Meeting No. 149, s. 2020
Description: SGOD Meeting
Link: Here

Title: Notice of Meeting No.148, s. 2020
Description: Meeting with Selected Senior High School Heads and Senior High School Master Teachers
Link: Here

Title: Notice of Meeting No. 147, s. 2020
Description: Dry Run of the 5th BERF Proposal Presentation
Link: Here

Title: OUA Memo 00-1220-0117
Description: Unauthorized Use of DepEd TV Logo in Productions
Link: Here