February 28, 2019
Title: RM – 129 – 19
Description: 2019 Regional Finals Metrobank – MTAP – DepEd Math Challenge
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Title: Asian Center of Education, Research and Training for Innovation
Description: Request for Advisory or Memo and Dissemination of the Seminar-Workshop on the Basics of Action Research in Scientific Writing and Publication Process
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Title: Memo Re Change of Schedule
Description: 11th Visually Impaired Sports Training Advocacy (VISTA)
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February 27, 2019
Title: Division Memorandum No. 075s. 2019
Description: Reconstitution of the Composition of Gender and Development Focal Point System (GFPS)
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Title: Division Memorandum No. 074s. 2019
Description: Release of Learning Resources for English – Grade 9
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Title: Division Memorandum No. 073s. 2019
Description: Administration of the Trends in International mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2019 Main Survey
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Title: Division Memorandum No. 072s. 2019
Description: Corrigendum to the Division Memorandum No.69, s 2019, Titled “2019 Research Advocacy for Community Empowerment (RACE)”
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Title: Notice of Meeting 046
Description: Special Meeting on the Guidelines of Measles-Rubella Outbreak Investigation and Response Activity
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Title: Notice of Meeting 045
Description: HR Unit Meeting
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Title: Division Memorandum No. 071s. 2019
Description: ON-THE-JOB Assessment (OTJ) of Applicants for the Position of Education Program Specialist in Monitoring and Evaluation (EPS-M&E) and Administrative Assistant II & III
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February 26, 2019
Title: Regional Winners on 2019 DepEd ICT Achiever’s Award
Description: 2019 DepEd Cyber Expo. the ICT Unit Announces the 2019 DepEd ICT Achiiver’s Award
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Title: 25th Summer Institute in the Natural Science and Mathematics
Description: Updating Senior High School Science and Mathematics Education
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Title: Department of Information and Communications Technology
Description: 3rd ICDL Digital Challenge
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Title: Division Memorandum No. 070s. 2019
Description: Preparation and Submission of Statement of Assets and Liabilities and Net Worth (SALN) CY 2018
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Title: Division Memorandum No. 069s. 2019
Description: 2019 Research Advocacy for Community Empowerment (RACE)
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Title: Notice of Meeting No. 044
Description: Coordination Meeting per Learning Area
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Title: Division Memorandum No. 068s. 2019
Description: Juan Step Ahead Career Guidance Fair
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February 22, 2019
Title: Mathematics Division
Description: Advisory Endorsing the MATHTEX 2019: Teachers Training on Calculus 2
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Title: Invitation Letter
Description: AniMUN Laguna 2019
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Title: Notice of Meeting No. 043
Description: Meeting Regarding Duties and Responsibilities, Progress Report on Monthly Performance Monitoring, Review on Financial Management – Accounting ISO Manual and Other Matters
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Title: Division Memorandum No. 67s. 2019
Description: Corrigendum to the Division Memorandum No. 001,s.2019 Division ON-SITE Validation to Private Senior High School Providers with Additional Strand SY 2019-2020
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Title: Division Memorandum No. 66s. 2019
Description: Division Performance Review on the 2019 CALABARZON Heroes Game
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Title: Division Memorandum No. 65s. 2019
Description: Corrigendum to the Division Memorandum No. 031, s.2019 Titled Schedule of Human Resource Technical Assistance
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Title: Committee on Local Absentee Voting (CLAV)
Description: Rules and Regulations on Local Absentee Voting in Connection with the May 13, 2019 National and Local Elections
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Title: Division Memorandum No. 64s. 2019
Description: Reschedule of the Division Writeshop for the Localization of Career Guidance Program (CGP) Modules
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February 21, 2019
Description: “Life Below Water: For People and Planet”
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Title: Bato Balani Foundation INC
Description: “The Many Faces of the Teachers”
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Title: Los Baños Science Community Foundation, Inc.
Description: Youth Science Award (YSA)
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Title: Department Of Science and Technology
Description: “ELevating Educators Competencies Through Reinforced Intergration and Collaboration”
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Title: Notice of Meeting No. 042
Description: Meeting Regarding All the Concerned Personnel, and for the Upcoming RACE Event
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Title: Division Memorandum No. 63s. 2019
Description: Announcing the Provisional Senior High School (SHS) Teachers LET Passers
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February 20, 2019
Title: Notice of Meeting No. 041
Description: Meeting Regarding Approved Activities/Trainings and the process on Activity Request and Authority to Conduct
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Title: Notice of Meeting No. 040
Description: Meeting Regarding Finalization of M&E System of QMS with Templates
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Title: Division Memorandum No. 62 s. 2019
Description: Declaration of Schools’ Crucial Resources for Fiscal Year 2019
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Title: Notice of Meeting No. 039
Description: Meeting Regarding Research on Learning Focused School Leadership
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Title: Philippine Guidance and Counseling Association INC. Laguna Chapter
Description: 2019 Annual Conference
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Title: Philippine Mental Health Association Lipa – Batangas Chapter
Description: Understanding the Psychology of Bullying(Knowing What is Behind the Bullying Behavior At Home and School )
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Title: Letter of Invitation
Description: Invitation for 2019 PALT National Conference and Convention
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February 19, 2019
Title: RM – 112 – 2019
Description: 4th Cycle Berf Research Proposal Presentation
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Title: Division Memorandum No. 61 s. 2019
Description: Release of Learning Resources for Senior High School
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Title: Division Memorandum No. 60 s. 2019
Description: Corrigendum Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 25, S.2019 Titled “Schedule of Synchronized Elections for the SPG and SSG (2019-2020)
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Title: Division Memorandum No. 59 s. 2019
Description: Designating Mr. Edgardo L. Aquino as Schools Division Office Sports Coordinator of Cavite
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Title: Division Memorandum No. 58 s. 2019
Description: Division Seminar-Workshop
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Title: Division Memorandum No. 57 s. 2019
Description: Corrigendum to Division Memorandum No. 54, S.2019 Titled “Participants to the Regional Mass Training of Teachers and Career Advocates on Career Guidance Strategies”
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Title: Notice of Meeting No. 038
Description: Meeting among the Medical Unit Personnel
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Title: Notice of Meeting No. 037
Description: Emergency Meeting
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February 18, 2019
Title: Notice of Meeting No. 035
2019 Research Advocacy for Community Empowerment (RACE)
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Title: Asian Center of Education, Research and Training for Innovation (ACERT!)
Request for Dissemination of the Seminar-Workshop on the Basics of Action Research in Scientific Writing and Publication Process
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Title: Division Memorandum No. 56 s. 2019
Description: Administration of the Accreditation and Equivalency Test Orientation and Distribution of Testing Materials for Calendar 2018
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February 15, 2019
Title: Division Memorandum No. 29 s. 2019
Description: Division Utility Training for Improvement, Efficiency and Success (DUTIES) in the Workplace 2019
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Title: RM – 90 – 2019
Description: 2019 Research Advocacy for Community Empowerment Final Submission and Registration
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Title: Invitation for Research
Description: Research Writing and Statistical Analysis IN-DEPTH Seminar Workshop and Intermediate Statistical Analysis Seminar Workshop
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Title: Division Memorandum No. 39 s. 2019
Description: Division Capability Building on Learning and Development System
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Title: 26th Annual Conference of the Regional Council of Human Resource Management Practitioners
Description: “Strategic HRMPs: Excite, Experience, Explore, Empower”
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Title: Notice of Meeting No. 036
Description: Meeting Regarding UCSP Modules
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Title: Notice of Meeting No. 035
Description: Meeting Regarding PQA Concerns, Revision of Process, Audit Findings and Other Matters
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February 14, 2019
Title: Notice of Meeting No. 034
Description: Meeting Regarding Duties and Responsibility, Progress Report on Monthly Performance Monitoring, Review on Financial Management – Accounting ISO Manual, and Other matters
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February 13, 2019
Title: Notice of Meeting No. 033
Description: Meeting Regarding Critiquing of Modules
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Title: Notice of Meeting No. 032
Description: Meeting Regarding Finalization and Validation of UCSP Modules
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Title: Division Memorandum No. 55 s. 2019
Description: ON-THE-JOB Assessment (OJT) of Applicants for Principal III and IV in Elementary, Education Program Specialist II – Alternative Learning System and Senior High School Master Teacher II
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Title: Division Memorandum No. 54 s. 2019
Description: Participants to the Regional Mass Training of Teachers and Career Advocates on Career Guidance Strategies
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Title: Advocate
Description: 2019 MMC Regional Finals
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Title: MTAP Activity
Description: 2019 MMC Regional Finals
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February 12, 2019
Title: Division Memorandum No. 53 s. 2019
Description: Administrative of South East Asia Primary Learning Metrics (SEA PLM) 2019 Main Survey
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Title: Division Memorandum No. 52 s. 2019
Description: DepEd Cavite Senior High School Tracer Study
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February 08, 2019
Title: Division Memorandum No. 51 s. 2019
Description: Release of Learning Resources for Senior High School
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Title: Notice of Meeting No. 031
Description: Records Unit Meeting
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Title: Notice of Meeting No. 030
Description: Meeting of all Education External Stakeholders and Partners: School-Based Feeding Program
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February 07, 2019
Title: Division Memorandum No. 050 s. 2019
Description: Administration of the Basic Education Exit Assessment for School Year 2018-2019
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February 06, 2019
Title: Division Memorandum No. 049 s. 2019
Description: Conduct of Division Reading Monitoring and Evaluation for K to 3
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Title: Division Memorandum No. 048 s. 2019
Description: Corrigendum to Division Memorandum No. 034 s. 2019 Entitled “Participation of Cavite Athletic Delegation to the 2019 CALABARZON Heroes Game
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February 04, 2019
Title: Notice of Meeting No. 029
Description: Meeting regarding Senior High School Tracer Study
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Title: Division Memorandum No. 047 s. 2019
Description: Reiteration on the Submission of the Training Program Proposal and Activity Completion Report
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Title: Division Memorandum No. 046 s. 2019
Description: Conduct of 2019 1st Quarter Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill
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Title: Division Memorandum No. 045 s. 2019
Description: Redefining the General Parents-Teachers Association (GPTA) Role, Projects and Activities
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Title: Notice of Meeting No. 028
Description: Meeting of all (18) City/Municipality Teachers Employees Association (TEA) Presidents
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February 01, 2019
Title: GAIN 2019 National Convention
Description: Plenary 10: Best of the Best in Robotics: Inspiring the Youth to Compete Globally
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